Neck: Level 1 Exercises
Levator Scapulae Stretch – Sitting
- To stretch neck muscles.
- Sit upright in a chair and turn your head to the right. Place right hand on top of head.
- Slowly bend neck toward right shoulder. Do not pull head, simply allow hand to support the head and neck in this position.
- With the left hand, grasp chair and slowly lean the trunk toward the right and slightly forward until a stretch is felt.
- Hold for 3-5 seconds. Repeat 5 times.
- Repeat using opposite side.
- Pull head slowly.
- You should immediately feel a refreshing stretch in the neck and upper shoulders. Hold for 3 to 5 deep breaths, repeating as often as you like to relieve stiff, sore neck and shoulders.
Scalene Stretch
- To stretch neck muscles.
- Sit with right fingertips placed behind left ear.
- Slowly move fingers down neck toward collarbone while applying slight pressure to muscles.
- Holding fingers on collarbone, slowly side bend neck and head toward right until you feel a stretch.
- Repeat moving fingers toward midline of neck.
- Switch hands and stretch the opposite side.
- Pull hand slowly down neck.
- The scalene muscle needs to be properly stretched and strengthened in order to safely function and release any built-up tension caused by a tight scalene muscle. Stretching the scalene muscle will reduce referred pain and correct any postural imbalances due to tense musculature in the neck.
Upper Neck Head Nod
- To stretch upper neck at base of skull.
- Sit upright in a chair and place fingertips on chin.
- Tuck in chin and draw back of head forward.
- You should feel the stretch at the base of your skull.
- Hold for 3-5 seconds.
- Repeat 5 times.
- Use your fingers to help guide your forward motion.
- This exercise helps to restore the normal curvature in your neck, preventing the onset of pain and other postural problems.
Upper Trapezius and Sternocleidomastoid Stretch – Sitting
- To stretch the right upper trapezius and sternocleidomastoid (SCM).
- Sit upright in a chair and place right hand on top of head with elbow out to the side.
- Slowly side bend neck toward right shoulder. Do not pull down on your head, simply allow hand to support the head and neck in this position.
- Grasp chair with left hand and slowly lean your body right and slightly forward until you feel a stretch.
- Tuck your chin in to further the stretch.
- Hold for 3-5 seconds.
- Repeat 5 times.
- Switch and repeat with the opposite side.
- Pull your head slowly.
- An excellent stretch to prevent neck pain and improve your neck’s range of motion. This exercise is often prescribed for people who sit at a computer for long periods of time to prevent muscle strains and spasms.