
As one of the leading chiropractic offices in the San Diego county, we believe in many different methods of treatment, and acupuncture is just one of the many additional services we offer. Acupuncture, simply stated, is a health science which is used to successfully treat both pain and dysfunction in the body.
Promising results have emerged, showing the effectiveness of acupuncture, for example, in adult postoperative surgery. There are many situations in which acupuncture may be useful as an adjunct treatment or would be helpful when included in a comprehensive management program. Recent studies have proven that acupuncture provides pain relief, improves function for people with osteoarthritis, and serves as an effective complement to standard care. Since acupuncture stimulates the natural healing process of the body, it can help with a range of ailments.
Some of the ailments commonly treated by acupuncture are:

  • Asthma
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Foot Pain
  • Headaches
  • Leg Pain
  • Low-Back Pain
  • Lumbago
  • Menstrual Cramps
  • Migraines
  • Myofascial Pain
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Sprains / Strains
  • Stiff Shoulders / Neck
  • Tennis Elbow